Background and instructions


Proposed Not to do list

You don’t want any of these activities to be repeated in the next year. Or at least try to have less of them. Learn from it, and try to be better for next year. Don’t take this list as is, use it as your input to build your own, smaller and prioritized not to do list.

Untitled Database

Amplify list

When it sparks joy, it is worth keeping it. Look at the things that worked well and do more of those!

Similar to the not to do list, take this as input for your decisions, don’t blindly repeat everything.

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> This template was made by Rick Mans.

If you want to have more templates, you can check out Gumroad or connect with me on LinkedIn.


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> I am a Notion Essentials Badge holder and I have demonstrated baseline proficiency across all Notion features. With that I understand block types, collaboration, databases, sidebar organization, and user settings. I can help you to identify best practices for daily Notion use.


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